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Balance Arts Studio is Reopening!

Updated: May 12, 2020

As Covid-19 restrictions are easing in British Columbia, Balance Arts Studio is reopening on May 20. At our clinic, we are committed to your health and well-being and we follow strict guidelines to make it safe for everyone.

The clinic will be cleaned and disinfected for each appointment including sanitizing the table and replacing fresh linens. We will be wearing masks and keep as much physical distance as possible. Pre-screening will be done by phone/text a day ahead of the treatment to make sure, you don’t have any symptoms and you haven’t been in contact with someone infected by Covid-19. We try to space our clients out to avoid bumping into someone else. The time in between clients is crucial to clean and disinfect the space for the next session, so don’t overstay your appointment time. Please help us make it a safe place by adhering to the following:

· Cancel your appointment, if you feel sick! (24-hour cancellation policy is not in effect now.)

· Wait in your car or outside of the clinic until your exact appointment time.

· Don’t touch anything unnecessary… We keep the doors open for you to walk in.

· Get your hands disinfected at our ‘hand sanitizer- station’ when entering the clinic.

· Limit the use of the bathroom, if possible. But of course, use it, if you need to! 😊

· Bring your own water bottle.

· Wear a face mask for your own protection (optional).

· Leave the office quickly right after your appointment.

Regarding payment:

· Pay by e-transfer before the appointment, if possible.

· If you prefer to pay by cheque or cash, I accept pre-written cheques and cash put in an envelope.

Thank you for helping us make our clinic a safe and healthy environment during this challenging time!

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